I am thrilled that tomorrow is Friday. It has been a long week.
The next two weekends are going to be busy. Fun, but busy. Saturday afternoon I'll be meeting my brother and "the guys" at Hooters to draw for where we will pick in the draft. Beer and football talk is always high on my list of fun. I won't say that going to Hooters is fun because I value my life.
Saturday night might be spent meeting up with an old friend of mine, and my sister and her GF. She was my sister's best friend growing up, and then she and I became better friends in adulthood. She used to babysit my hellions when I worked. Her husband is named Shea, but my boy child could never pronounce that, choosing instead to call him "Shakes" lol.
Sunday my nephew will be baptized, so of course we will be going to that. I love that kid!
The next weekend I have the actual fantasy draft. Love.it. Then Sunday night my youngest brother and his boyfriend will be in town, so we are going to meet up with them. They will only be here a short time, but I'm always happy when I get to see them.
I haven't taken any pictures lately, so I swiped these off the girl child's Facebook. The first is of her. The second, of her looking love struck at her boyfriend. Grrrrrrr...

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