Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in Southtown, USA

Ok, so it wasn't like that, (where are her pants?) but it actually snowed here. I would take some pictures, but I'm sure you have all seen snow before. Actually, I'm sure many of you have it in your yards currently. It's pretty rare here in Birmingham, and to wake up with it all still around is even more rare. Should melt off later today, but it was nice to see. 

I'm still smoke free, but the patches have started to irritate my skin if I wear them for more than 12 hours. Not quite sure what to do other than change them when it starts to hurt and move to a new spot each time. Of course this is wasteful and costs more money, but I guess it's better than the alternative. Soon I will step down to the 14mg, then 7mg, then nothing, and this will all be behind me.

Next task: Get Michelle to quit. Carrying a tank on my back around the block would be easier. I've started with the not-so-subtle hints, and will soon move on to flat out bullying. Wish me luck.

It was a brutal work week. I hope the weekend lasts forever.

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