Friday, January 29, 2010

Where Am I?

I am stupidly tired. Ignore any and all grammatical and typing errors.

Judd (the male cat) has been injured. Not surprising since he is an indoor/outdoor cat. He back leg is swollen. No clue what happened.

Too bad he likes being outside so much. Otherwise, he could live the life of luxury that Nancy the Wonder Cat lives...climbing curtains, partaking in catnip laced scratching posts, napping in Mrs. Leslie's lap for hours at a time.

Should I even bother to say that I am thrilled it's Friday? I think by now people realize that's a given.

We are about to watch "Pandorum" and I hope it doesn't suck. Sci-fi isn't my top choice, but this one has somewhat of a horror twist, so I suspect it won't be all bad.

I'm going to try for a fast food run, but am pretty sure I will come up against the, "there is plenty of food here" defense. Must she always be so damn logical? It's hard to argue with someone who makes good sense. That said, I can catch her in weak moments and capitalize. The words, "Burger King" and "Krispy Kreme" are very powerful.

Better stop blogging and start plotting my strategy.

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