Behold, the Krispy Kreme Milkshake.
I searched for a review from someone that had tried what I assume to be the mother of all milkshakes, and found this on needcoffee.com:
"I asked about this Krispy Kreme milkshake because I am fascinated by things that would be considered an affront to both God and man. And the waitress told me it was two Krispy Kreme doughnuts stuck in a blender with the makings of a vanilla milkshake.
And if you want to know what it tastes like, well, I bet you're imagining it now. Unless for some reason you've never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. In which case, let me help you out. Eating a Krispy Kreme doughnut is to sugar and fat equivalent what drinking coffee is to caffeine for me. In other words, the bit of flour involved in shaping the sugar and fat into a round shape with a hole in it is just there to deliver said fat and sugar into your body. And when you eat one, it's like having your mouth and throat coated with a frictionless layer of sugar. And God help you if you have no milk around.
In other words, it's up there towards the apex of guilty snacks. So dump two of those into a vanilla milkshake so that when you drink it through a straw you're ingesting small bit of pure sugar and fat...and yeah. So of course, I ordered this. And I did not finish it. Because it is pretty much impossible (or very very inadvisable at least) to do more than sip this thing. Because the sugar rush is...formidable, shall we say. And you're talking to a guy who has consumed stimulants for years and years. And this thing was almost frightening in its power to pry my eyelids open.
In the end, even with a to-go cup, I didn't finish it. Because while I am insane, I'm not crazy."
Sounds just like the type of challenge I live for.
Want one? You'll need to be in Birmingham or Atlanta, as those are the only two locations. No worries though, once I get my hands on one I'll let you know if it's worth the price of gas money...or a plane ticket. Assuming, of course, that I don't slip into a sugar coma.
Might be a while though, since Mrs. Leslie is all about the vegetables right now. I'll wear her down eventually. If you are in town, head over to 280 (The Summit) and get one of these. Maybe a good review would sway her. As if the name alone isn't enough to sell it...sheesh!

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