Her last email, "Weird Family Photos" had two pics that kept me laughing for a while, so I thought I would share them.

Nothing needs to be said about this one. Wait, hell yes it does! Is that a bayonette? What is in her other hand, ammo? Nice scope. Does she realize how butch she looks?
She gets the bayonette, he gets a parrot? He looks gay too. IF they are straight, they should have switched up.
And what's with the sunglasses? Have they just pulled off the Great Parrot Heist of 1970? Take a good look kids, it's the great grandchildren of Bonnie and Clyde.
This next one had personal meaning because it reminded me of a horrible story my mother used to tell about being a child and waking up on Easter morning to the site of a horrendous, demented Easter Bunny staring at her from her bedroom doorway. Story goes, she hid under the covers hoping it would leave, but when she peeked out it was still there. She ducked under again, called for her Mother, and when her Mom showed up it was gone. She went into great detail about the mean eyes and razor sharp teeth it had. Clearly, she was smoking crack, but she won't admit to it, and holds to her story.
This story used to scare the bejezzus out of me, and because of that fact I have never forgotten it. So imagine my surprise when I saw this:

Holy *$#^, it DOES EXIST!
The caption was the best though. "Holy easter! .. And there is a suspicious looking foot in the bottom left corner, did he eat that kid earlier???!!"
I'm still laughing at that foot.
Joy, if you didn't send that email to Mother please let me know so I can send it and see if this bunny was the perpetrator!!!

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