My Tide won big...

There were STILL several mistakes. Including TWO missed extra points, and several bad snaps. These type things have got to be corrected. Period. We play Arkansas on Saturday, and from what I watched of the Arkansas/Georgia game, they are pretty good.
Nancy slipped out the door when we left this morning, and remained outside all day long. We were very worried when she wasn't waiting at the door when we got home, but she showed up very shortly after. She looked kind of roughed up, and I said I thought she had been raped, but Michelle says no.
My Clover Valley Stoners fantasy team lost by a hefty margin this week. Having LT out really hurt, but I don't think having him in would have won it for me. My players had some tough matchups. I don't like having a loss this early in the season...especially since the bye weeks haven't even started yet. :(
Random notes:
1) It's done nothing but rain here for a week straight. I feel certain that if I went outside and looked toward the sky for any amount of time I would surely drown.
2) Squeezed in two movies yesterday: Knock, Knock (horror) and The Class (Foreign). Both were stinksville.
3) My brother introduced me to a new liquor I'd never tried, Jeremiah Weed. It's a vodka sweet tea. I made my drink too strong, but drank it anyway. I give it a thumbs up based on name alone. Every true Southern should drink it on a daily basis.
Here's a pic of the bottle, just so you know what to look for when you hit the liquor store...

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