Sunday, April 25, 2010

Modern Day Hippie?

Is this what I have become, or am becoming?

Let's examine the evidence: eating cage free organic eggs, drinking white Chai tea, watching Planet Green, recycling the thousands of plastic bags I get from stores, going to the Farmer's Market so we can eat locally, changing all the light bulbs to energy saving compact fluorescent. I think you get the point.

Are the environmentally aware the hippies or tree huggers of modern time?

I looked up "modern hippies" and found:

Someone who is interested in several of the following things:
vegetarianism/veganism, the environment, animal rights, gay rights, mild recreational drugs, feminism, New Age spirituality, or organic produce.
Stereotypical neo-hippie attire includes loose, comfortable clothing like peasant tops, skirts and sandals. Homemade clothing is common among the truly hardcore, as it appeals to their anti-capitalist sensibilities. Long hair is popular with both males and females.

I am not vegan, don't do drugs (unless you count alcohol - invite me over if you have any), don't understand New Age spirituality, don't wear homemade clothing, and no on the long hair. Now, the other stuff, yes, so I guess that makes me a half Neo-Hippie for the time being and I'm cool with that. My only request is that should you ever read a blog post where I say Mrs. Leslie and I are going to go "off the grid" and live on "poop power" please stage an intervention immediately!

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