Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cream of Crappy

I'm having, well, tried to have Cream of Wheat Whole Grain for breakfast. I made it through about three bites before I gave up. I did ad Splenda, and a dash of half and half, but stopped short of making it the way my Mother always did when we were kids, and adding gobs of butter.

It wasn't gross, just so....blahhhhh. Why do I even bother when I know three or four Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a cold glass of milk would totally hit the spot? Oh, that "I don't want to look like Shamu" thing. Yeah, I remember now.

I will be having junk food and cake at my nephew's birthday party this afternoon. I love an excuse to eat whatever crap I want and not feel guilty. Mrs. Leslie is having chocolate chip ice cream for breakfast. I guess she figures since this day will be a calorie-fest, why not go all out balls to the wall. She is hardcore.

<----------Now this is an alternative I can get behind. I tried the new Bud Select 55 calorie last night. It was no Hoegaarden (I love my Hoe's!), but the taste was good, and I felt much less guilty than when I have regular beer. Not only is it lower in calories, it only has 1.9g of carbs. If only I could get Budweiser to add about 10g of fiber, I would be all set!

Speaking of...Mrs. Leslie had one of my Fiber One bars earlier. Hope she doesn't cut loose at the birthday party. Yeah, right! I hope like hell that she does! That would be freaking hilarious!

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