I made a crustless, sugar free cheesecake yesterday afternoon. We gave it a try after dinner, and it left a lot to be desired. So, this afternoon I stopped at the store and picked up a quart of strawberries and made a reduction/glaze out of the berries, water, and Splenda.
Made all the difference in the world. I went from not wanting to eat it, to not wanting to stop eating it! No, the photo on the left is not my cheesecake, but if mine were being photographed by a real photographer that is what it would look like.
We accomplished most of the things we set out to do this weekend.
The girl child has two pairs of glasses on order. She chose similar square frames, but in two different colors. Mrs. Leslie opted to wait since she didn't realize the place we went to did not accept her vision insurance.
All three of us got a much needed haircut. The Mrs. and I got what we wanted out of the deal, but the girl child did not. Guess we'll be taking her elsewhere next time. I suppose that's what we get for going to the cheap-o place, but it works just fine for Mrs. Leslie and I who both have short, easy to manage hair.
We were not able to find a comforter set we (we, meaning Michelle) were in love with. Nor one for the bed in the guest room. But did find the girl child a really cute Easter dress.
Short work week, and the boss is out of town. Let the good times roll, baby!