Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sow(ed) the Seed

Finally got around to starting seeds this afternoon. Kept it simple - tomato, bell pepper, assorted herbs. Pretty late in the season for starting seeds in Alabama, but I'm not sure it will matter much as what we planted last year wound up looking like this. -------->>>>>

I believe half the reason for last years failure was that I chose a really bad location. The other half? I just kept forgetting that they were even out there. This year - better spot, more attentive. My goal is to produce at least ONE edible vegetable from the lot. If I can do that then there is hope for me yet.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tastes Good, Now

I made a crustless, sugar free cheesecake yesterday afternoon. We gave it a try after dinner, and it left a lot to be desired. So, this afternoon I stopped at the store and picked up a quart of strawberries and made a reduction/glaze out of the berries, water, and Splenda.

Made all the difference in the world. I went from not wanting to eat it, to not wanting to stop eating it! No, the photo on the left is not my cheesecake, but if mine were being photographed by a real photographer that is what it would look like.

We accomplished most of the things we set out to do this weekend.

The girl child has two pairs of glasses on order. She chose similar square frames, but in two different colors. Mrs. Leslie opted to wait since she didn't realize the place we went to did not accept her vision insurance.

All three of us got a much needed haircut. The Mrs. and I got what we wanted out of the deal, but the girl child did not. Guess we'll be taking her elsewhere next time. I suppose that's what we get for going to the cheap-o place, but it works just fine for Mrs. Leslie and I who both have short, easy to manage hair.

We were not able to find a comforter set we (we, meaning Michelle) were in love with. Nor one for the bed in the guest room. But did find the girl child a really cute Easter dress.

Short work week, and the boss is out of town. Let the good times roll, baby!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Read Line #3, Please

This will probably wind up being an expensive day as both my girlfriend and my daughter need glasses. We have an appointment for both of them at 12:30. I'm certain I will be there for eons, as neither has had glasses before, and being two picky girls, choosing the frames will prove difficult at best. I'll be as patient as possible though, because we have procrastinated this way too long and I want them both to get set up.

It's also time to get our hairs did. Holly wants a new Easter dress, and needs new jeans. Mrs. Leslie has to have some dental work done next week. Her birthday is in less than two weeks, so I need to get on that, and.......aaarrrggghhh! Looks like I better stop blogging and start working, 'cause LD has to come up with some more cha ching this month!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunshine On Demand

No, I wasn't one of the Twilight groupies that lined up at midnight to buy New Moon, but we did contemplate buying for my daughter when we were in HellMart last night. Instead we bought rice milk and doughnut sticks. I will admit to watching the original movie after it came out on DVD and thought it was pretty good, but don't understand what all the fuss is about.

Michelle and I got a ton of work done around here yesterday. I unpacked boxes while she cleaned. The living room now has only four boxes left in it. They contain stuff I need to sort through and decide if it's keep or discard. I'll probably get on it after I have my coffee and wake up, but right now going back to bed is sounding good as it raining. Rainy days make me feel so drug down and lazy. I need my sunshine!

Maybe I can fake it...

Ahhhh, yes! What a nice day out! I feel the sun on my face, and...man, it's hot out here...where is my sunscreen? I'm going to burn to a crisp! Dang, I'm sweating like a pig. Where did all these bees come from? WHAT? You forgot the beer?!? Time to go back inside! Thanks, sunshine! {{{waves}}} Hope to see you tomorrow!!!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Screamed, I Cried, I Restored

In all my years of using computers (including the infamous Commodore 64, see left) I have never actually had one crash...until now. Bad news - it was my laptop. Good news - I haven't had it long, so when I wound up having to do a complete destructive recovery I didn't loose all that much.

The main reason I'm blogging this is to warn you of potential danger if you have Vista. My crash occurred while installing Vista Service Pack 3. Notice I said, "potential" because this could have had nothing to do with it whatsoever, but the computer did completely fritz while the updates were installing.

I waited for the first 5,000 mile maintenance on our new Toyota to get the recall work done. If you have a Toyota, and have put off having it done because you fear it will be a hassle, take heart - we were there two hours total. Twenty minutes of that was spent sorting out the fact that I pay big bucks for the maintenance plan when the cashier tried to charge me for services rendered. So, no biggie.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

High Five!

Finished moving the last of the belongings from old house to new this afternoon. I am so over this whole moving thing.

Now to just unpack the ton of boxes we have everywhere and get things situated as we want them. Still, lots of work, but getting settled into a new place is the fun part. I'll post some pics after we get everything set, but it will probably be a few weeks because we still have to buy new living room furniture. I think we know what set we are buying, but you just never know around here. Things can get crazy when you're married to Candice Olsen.

Making chili for my son, Mitchell, tonight. Last night he made us Italian sausage spaghetti that was really good. It's crazy that my son can cook better than my daughter. I really want to teach her before it's too late and she finds herself out in the real world eating TV dinners every night.

<<<<------See this, Holly? You might be saying, "YUM!" right now, but I promise that one day you'll be sick of it. And don't say, "I'll just go to McDonald's every night" because unless you start making better grades and go to college, even Dollar Menu will elude you!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

RIP, Frederico

I was hoping to sleep in, but Nancy (cat) would have no part of that as she was doing battle with her latest toy, "Frederico the Ferret." Frederico looks innocent enough, but he has a hard core that is filled with beads of some sort. This means that each time she flung him across the room I knew about it. Of course now that I am up and wide awake Frederico is resting quietly...or dead. Either way, battle over, Nancy - 1, Frederico - 0.

Accomplished a mix of things yesterday. I still say I should have some sort of plan, but it's nice to just decide what to do next on the fly because it leaves room for change. My ex brought our son and his friend over and they moved the big TV for us. Since the fridge, stove, washer and dryer are all staying and being sold with the place, it was really the only thing Michelle and I could not do ourselves.

Right this second I am not loving the time change. It should be 7:30am, and sitting here drinking coffee and blogging would be perfectly acceptable. However, it is actually 8:30am, which means I need to get off my butt and get a move on. I will be happy for it this evening though, and the fact that it means Spring is here is a really good thing.

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Friday, March 12, 2010


Haven't had much time to blog this week with working and moving. I had intentions of going at it (moving) again right after getting home from work today, but am currently a prisoner while the heating and air guys are doing something to the vents and duct work. If they don't leave too late we'll go get another load.

We really don't lack too terribly much. At least I hope we don't. Each time I think we are almost there, I open another cabinet or closet and find more stuff. I had no idea we had so much stuff. I know this much - I'm tired, I'm sore, and there are still a million a one things still left to be done to get everything completely finished at both places.

I can't even sleep because when I'm not doing, I am thinking of what I should be doing, or things I want to get accomplished. I remember reading somewhere that moving was way up there on the list of stressful events in life. I am too happy about the new place to feel super stressed, but happy doesn't eradicate tired. So in conclusion, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Little Smash

Joshua's 1st birthday party was very nice. I could slam you with the hundred pics I took, but instead I will pick just one...

This was him with his "smash cake" that he didn't smash at all. About ten of us surrounded him like paparazzi, cameras and video cameras in hand, waiting for the big event. The build up was unbearable. The big moment came, and...he slowly and meticulously picked at the icing, and stuck his thumb into the center, lol.

The girl child took this one of Michelle and I. I look a little creepy, but am going to post it anyway since I haven't had a new one of the two of us posted in quite a while...

On the docket today: packing. So far this morning I've packed ONE box, which was all my shoes. I've been hesitant to pack too much because I didn't know what I would need or not need, but now it's time to get a move on and accept the fact that if I pack anything I need I can just dig it out of the box I put it in.

We will start the moving process Monday evening, and hope to be completely in before next weekend. I know five days sounds like a long time, but most of it will be done when we get home from work and are already pooped. Under those circumstances, it might not be 100% complete until next Sunday.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cream of Crappy

I'm having, well, tried to have Cream of Wheat Whole Grain for breakfast. I made it through about three bites before I gave up. I did ad Splenda, and a dash of half and half, but stopped short of making it the way my Mother always did when we were kids, and adding gobs of butter.

It wasn't gross, just so....blahhhhh. Why do I even bother when I know three or four Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a cold glass of milk would totally hit the spot? Oh, that "I don't want to look like Shamu" thing. Yeah, I remember now.

I will be having junk food and cake at my nephew's birthday party this afternoon. I love an excuse to eat whatever crap I want and not feel guilty. Mrs. Leslie is having chocolate chip ice cream for breakfast. I guess she figures since this day will be a calorie-fest, why not go all out balls to the wall. She is hardcore.

<----------Now this is an alternative I can get behind. I tried the new Bud Select 55 calorie last night. It was no Hoegaarden (I love my Hoe's!), but the taste was good, and I felt much less guilty than when I have regular beer. Not only is it lower in calories, it only has 1.9g of carbs. If only I could get Budweiser to add about 10g of fiber, I would be all set!

Speaking of...Mrs. Leslie had one of my Fiber One bars earlier. Hope she doesn't cut loose at the birthday party. Yeah, right! I hope like hell that she does! That would be freaking hilarious!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On the Hunt

Ghost Hunters - The Complete First SeasonCall me a dork, but I'm so happy that my beloved "Ghost Hunters" returns tonight. It's the season premiere, a two hour 100th episode, live from Alcatraz.

I will watch, "Ghost Hunters International" but much prefer the original show and cast.

I've been watching this show for so many years now that I don't have a clue what I will watch when it eventually gets (shudder) canceled. Wednesday nights won't have the same appeal. That much I know for certain.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Fiber & Fun

Kellogg's FiberPlus Bars, Chocolate Chip, 5-Count Bars (Pack of 12)With only 120 calories, great taste, and lots of lots of root toot tootin' fiber, I am in love with Fiber Plus bars. I ordered an entire 24 count box of them today. Mrs. Leslie does not know this yet. I will not be quick to divulge that information, as she doesn't appreciate my quest for fiber. Or, should I say, flat out does not appreciate what fiber does for me.

I will admit that it is really scary what just ONE of these bars does to the system, as one provides just 35% of the daily allowance of fiber. Imagine if I got all 100%? I'm sure my colon would experience it's own version of "Shock and Awe."

Playskool Weebles Tree HouseThe Farmer SaysMy nephew, Joshua, will be turning one year old this Saturday. I haven't bought his gift yet, but some possibilities include the always popular See 'n Say, or Weeble Wobbles. Man, look at this Weebles Tree House! Looks like tons of fun, for errrr, Joshua to play with of course. Not me, because I would never play with toys.

Maybe I will just get him some Fiber Plus bars. I'm sure my sister would get the joke and be laughing right along with me. I'm positive she would see the humor in changing 20+ poop diapers in one day. Ahhh yes, the "fiber bar baby" joke...it just never gets old!