Monday, May 3, 2010

Creepiest Childrens Books

These "Creepiest Children's Books" made me laugh like a fool...

"One Nation Indivisible," indeed."

"T-M-I, little one! But seriously, where did he get that awesome dinosaur toilet paper holder? We just have that simple plastic one, and it doesn't dole out hugs."

 "Granted, they probably mean "gay" as in "happy." But the goat's horn up the bum and creepy farmer looking on approvingly? Something not so "happy" is going on."

 "Wow, book. Way to be a Jerk! What's next, "Who Cares About Elderly People?"

 "A wolf in a lab coat saying "Yum" at a giant turd isn't even the weirdest thing on this book cover. Maybe it's the fact that Mr. Poop (or Senor Caca) is wearing a beret and plaid golfer pants."

You can view the rest of them here: Creepiest Children's Books

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