Your mental state is a powerful indicator. If you wake up miserable, and filled with dread over having to go to work, it is time to make a change. It is understandable that you may be scared of change, but life it too short to feel this way each day. It is possible that your job has caused you to become depressed, and depression is no joke. It takes a toll on you not just mentally, but physically as well.
If you want to work from home, evaluate your situation before you make a move. It will only cause you more stress if you quit your job before you have an alternate way to support yourself. Since you likely already have a business, or service in mind, crunch the numbers. There is not way to know to the penny what you will make when you are self-employed, because you have not previously had the option to full pursue it, but you can get a general estimate. Err on the lesser side when you work these figures, and take all possibilities into account. If after all of this, your idea seems feasible, it is time to quit your job.
If you plan to find another job, start looking well before you quit. This is the route most people take. However, if you are miserable beyond belief, and just do not think you can stand another minute, you can take a leap of faith. Of course, this leap of faith will be much easier if you have some savings to fall back on. Planning ahead is best, but there are times in life where you may be forced to take a stand.
If you quit your job on a whim, and do not have a backup plan, do not panic. You may feel thrilled and empowered at first, but following this, panic sets in. Panicking will get you nowhere. Simply launch yourself into action immediately. Whether this is getting started on your own business, or seeking other employment, do something.
You should never stay at a job that you are miserable at. You are only given a certain amount of time on this earth, and this time should be spent being as happy as possible. Since work takes up the bulk of our lives, it is extremely important that you do not settle for just a paycheck. It may take time, and it may take guts, but you can make it happen. Quitting my job is the best thing I have ever done. Removing that dark cloud has made an incredibly positive impact on my life. It can for you as well.
Additional reading:
Honey I Quit My Job
Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business
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