Planning an economical beach vacation starts with the search for where you will be staying. You already know that you will need to search for the best rates, but in addition to that, you should be searching for a location that has a kitchen. Eating out is one of the largest expenses incurred while on vacation. Having the ability to make your own meals and snacks will save you tons of money.
You should purchase the food and snacks you will be eating in advance. Grocery prices tend to be higher in tourist areas. You will not be subject to paying these higher prices if you shop ahead. There are a few things, however, that you may want to wait to purchase until you arrive. This would be things such as suntan oil, sunscreen, and water toys and floats. The competition amongst the stores near the beach is intense, and this drives down the prices of such items.
Since eating out is part of the fun of going on vacation, you do not want to miss out on trying the local cuisine. In order to do this, and still save money, consider visiting these places during lunch, instead of dinner. The difference between lunch prices and dinner prices is vast. You will get the same quality food, and the same choices, just at a much cheaper price. If you will be staying for a week, and will have your children with you, this tip alone could save you a few hundred dollars.
Search for discounts to the attractions and activities you want to do and see. Most brochures contain coupons that you can use to save money. These should be available throughout the area in local supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels and more. Check for expiration dates, since some of these brochures may have been hanging around for a while. You do not want any unexpected surprises when you go to pay.
No economical beach vacation would be complete without souvenirs. Look for special promotions, and items that are on clearance. T-shirts, which are a popular choice, are often offered at a discount if a certain number are purchased. Deals such as this will allow you to get the most for your money.
Having the time of your life, while not breaking the bank is what it is all about. An economical beach vacation is not only possible, but easy to obtain. A little planning, sprinkled with some strategies, are all that is required.
Additional reading:
Discount Travel Handbook: Save Money on Every Vacation or Business Trip You Take
How to Save $$$ Money and Travel
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