Funny Facebook mistakes take place each and every day. Whether you have ten friends, or ten thousand, hilarity ensues when you allow just anyone to use social media as an outlet. The following are a few of the funny Facebook personality types and some of the posting mistakes they make.
I Hate My Job
You likely have at least one "I hate my job" friends on your list. While you might get tired of their constant groaning about how their job makes their life miserable, you will want to follow these posts for the funny Facebook mistake of adding their co-workers or boss. When this person makes the mistake of telling what a dirt bag their boss is on their status, and their boss reads it, the response is sure to be hilarious.
I Cannot Spell
Some days I find this funny Facebook mistake is good for a few laughs, other times it scares me to death. The sheer number of people on Facebook that cannot spell even common words is terrifying. However, some of these misspellings turn into fun when what should have been a simple word turns into something naughty. Sometimes these are really just Freudian slips, or auto-correct induced errors, but when "pens" gets posted as "penis" it is pretty darn funny.
I Was Hacked!
Most hackings are done by friends and family members. Those with a great sense of humor make the best hackers, as the statuses they post are usually quite funny. I have yet to hack either of my teenagers Facebook, but rest assured that when I do, "I enjoy eating boogers!" is totally going up on their wall. Even funnier are the people that get angry once they have been hacked. Their irate responses are almost as funny as the hack post itself.
My Life Is Better Than Yours
Oh, you know you have at least one of these people as your friend. These are the men and women who post on a daily basis about how wonderful and perfect their lives are. While these posts certainly do not fall into the funny Facebook posts category, the result of this type of posting does. Eventually this type of posting will cause someone that they annoy to completely crack. When this happens, the rant that ensues is nothing short of hilarious.
Funny Facebook mistakes are all around us. While I do enjoy seeing what my friends and family are up to, it is the humor factor that keeps me coming back each day. Not every day do I receive the side-splitting laughter I so enjoy, but I do manage to get at least a chuckle every time I log on, and for that I say, "Thanks Facebook!"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Five of the Funniest Movies Ever Made
Everyone enjoys a good laugh from time to time. If you are not blessed to be surrounded by funny people, you will need to get your comedy fix elsewhere. Nowhere can this be found more easily than in the movies. The following is a list of five of the funniest movies ever made.
Drop Dead Gorgeous

It may require a certain sense of humor to truly appreciate this movie. If you are quick witted, and enjoy humor that is a tad on the dark side, you will love this movie. The movie is about a small town beauty pageant, and stars Kirsten Dunst, Ellen Barkin, Kirstie Alley, and Denise Richards. I am not sure that there has ever been a movie that made me laugh out loud more times that Drop Dead Gorgeous
, and this is definitely one of the funniest movies ever made.
House of 1,000 Corpses

Fans of both horror and crude humor will love House of 1,000 Corpses
. The set up is the typical teens in trouble, and of course, going to be killed. What sets this movie apart from the typical teen horror flick, and makes it one of the funniest movies ever made, is the psycho clown, and his extremely crude humor. This is not a movie to watch with the children, as it contains lots of cursing and sexual references.
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Is there anything better than a hilarious Christmas movie? Any of the Vacation movies could easily make this list, however, this is considered by many to be the funniest movie of the series. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is the story of Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) and his slightly odd family spending the holidays together. Cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid) has to be one of the funniest characters of all time. This movie offers plenty of laugh out loud moments, and has become a must see movie every December.
Don't Be A Menace

The full title is actually Don't Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice In the Hood. Again, not a movie to watch with the kids, but I laughed until I literally cried while watching this spoof of popular gang and urban culture movies. If you have not watched movies such as Boyz n the Hood, you may not find this quite as funny as others. Though I suspect even if you never watched even one of the movies that Don't Be a Menace
spoofs, you will still find plenty of laughs here.

Yes, I realize there are two Christmas comedies on this list of the funniest movies ever made, but this movie is Will Ferrel at this best! This is silly humor, and is also humor that is timeless. I could watch this movie over and over again and still be laughing. Elf is the story of Buddy the Elf. Buddy leaves the North Pole in search of this father in New York City. His travels and experiences are quite out of the ordinary, and make for big laughs.
There you have it. Five of the funniest movies ever made. Humor is subjective, but the chances that you will get big laughs from one, or more, of the movies on this list are good. Most, if not all, of these movies should be available on Netflix or Hulu, so get busy watching and laughing!
Drop Dead Gorgeous
House of 1,000 Corpses
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Don't Be A Menace
There you have it. Five of the funniest movies ever made. Humor is subjective, but the chances that you will get big laughs from one, or more, of the movies on this list are good. Most, if not all, of these movies should be available on Netflix or Hulu, so get busy watching and laughing!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tailgating at Home the Southern Way
It is no secret that we Southerners love our football. Since few of us can afford to go to every single game, we have adopted a home version of tailgating. With transplants from all over arriving in the South daily, it is important that they learn how to properly prepare should they decide to host a Saturday football get together. The following are some of the best ways to tailgate at home in the South.
Have Lots of Beer On Hand
Yes, I know that people drink beer before football games all across the nation. However, you likely have never seen a Southerner down a six pack of Bud Light in less than ten minutes, and I am talking about the
women here.

Do not waste your money on imported beers. It is not that Southerners do not like imports, but that unless you have deep pockets, football Saturday beer is going to cost you a lot of money.
Feel free to tell your guests that the B.Y.O.B. policy is in place if you wish. We Southerners are used to that, and usually show up with beer anyway because we are afraid you might run out.
Pre-Game Entertainment
Having a football to throw around in the yard is considered mandatory. After that, feel free to get creative, but not too creative. Pre-game scrapbooking is not acceptable. Think more along the lines of playing Truth or Dare. Do not be alarmed if someone gets injured during the game, as we play it quite differently in the South. Another good idea is drinking games. Tread lightly here, otherwise you might miss seeing the game, and see only the toilet instead.
Home Tailgating Food
The following are must have food items: a cake or big cookie with the team logo on it, fried chicken fingers, tortilla chips with Velveeta and Rotel cheese dip, and mini pigs in a blanket. If it is cold, you must serve chili
with corn chips and shredded cheddar.
After these things, the choices are up to you. But keep in mind that we Southerners do not want to eat anything frou-frou on game day. Save that expensive caviar for a day when people are sober, and will appreciate it more.
If you have beer, food, and entertainment planned out correctly, your home tailgating party will go off without a hitch. I should offer one final piece of advice though, and that would be to never invite a fan of the opposing team to your home tailgate event. Southerners do believe that we are all created equal, but this belief disappears for four hours each Saturday in the Fall. Plan accordingly, people.
Have Lots of Beer On Hand
Yes, I know that people drink beer before football games all across the nation. However, you likely have never seen a Southerner down a six pack of Bud Light in less than ten minutes, and I am talking about the
Feel free to tell your guests that the B.Y.O.B. policy is in place if you wish. We Southerners are used to that, and usually show up with beer anyway because we are afraid you might run out.
Pre-Game Entertainment
Having a football to throw around in the yard is considered mandatory. After that, feel free to get creative, but not too creative. Pre-game scrapbooking is not acceptable. Think more along the lines of playing Truth or Dare. Do not be alarmed if someone gets injured during the game, as we play it quite differently in the South. Another good idea is drinking games. Tread lightly here, otherwise you might miss seeing the game, and see only the toilet instead.
Home Tailgating Food
After these things, the choices are up to you. But keep in mind that we Southerners do not want to eat anything frou-frou on game day. Save that expensive caviar for a day when people are sober, and will appreciate it more.
If you have beer, food, and entertainment planned out correctly, your home tailgating party will go off without a hitch. I should offer one final piece of advice though, and that would be to never invite a fan of the opposing team to your home tailgate event. Southerners do believe that we are all created equal, but this belief disappears for four hours each Saturday in the Fall. Plan accordingly, people.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What Your Cat Really Wants You to Know
I am the proud owner of three female cats. I have given them excellent names: Kitten, Kit Kat, and New Kitty. These three cats have bonded with me, despite their names, and have taught me how to read kitty minds. I will now share what I have learned with you, in hopes of you being able to better understand your cats.

The Evil Eye
I have it on good authority that the evil eye is indeed meant to be evil. No, your cat is not getting tired, being exposed to bright light, or about to sneeze, when you see the evil eye come into play. The evil eye in the cat world means the same thing it does in the human world: you are making me mad! Once you see the evil eye, it is best to back off. Cats will not forgive you until they are hungry, so you will just have to wait it out.
I Am Not A Baby
You might think it is extremely cute when you hold your cat like a baby. However, Kitten told me that cats hate this. Upside down is not their natural state, and it leaves them feeling exposed. Holding a cat like a baby increases the chance that you will receive the evil eye once you put the cat down. Oh, and Kitten said that you also run the risk of being bitten or scratched if this happens too many times.
Can You Breathe?
When a cat wants to sleep on your face, this can mean one of two things. Kit Kat, the sweetest of the three, tells me that this means that they are trying to block out light sources, so that you will get a good nights rest. Kitten, the meanest of the three, tells me that when she does this when I have made her angry, and it is her way of trying to suffocate me. You will have to take the personality of your cat into consideration when trying to decipher how this move applies to you.
We Do Not Share
You know that feeling you get when someone takes a few of your tots without asking? You may not react visually, but inside you are thinking, "Back off my tots, moron!" Cats feel the same way, and prefer to be fed separately. This especially applies when you bring out the canned food. Canned food is the equivalent of "kitty pate" in the cat world, and they do not want to share it with any other felines.
That's Not Funny
Cats do have a sense of humor, albeit a strange one. A few of the things they do not find funny include: sneaking up from behind and scaring them, allowing your baby to become a tail pulling toddler, and bringing home a puppy. However, they do get a chuckle from seeing you fall, any bad haircuts you get, and watching you attempt to dance. New Kitty says the these funny things never get old, and will always be good for a laugh.
Now that I am blessed with the ability to read kitty minds, I have learned so much about cats. I cannot tell you that I like everything I have learned. Sleeping with one eye open is not as easy as it sounds. However, by telling me their deep, dark secrets, I now have enough information to blackmail these three cats into doing basically anything I tell them to. As soon as they learn how to do dishes, clean the toilet, and wash clothes, I am certain that this will work to my advantage.
I have it on good authority that the evil eye is indeed meant to be evil. No, your cat is not getting tired, being exposed to bright light, or about to sneeze, when you see the evil eye come into play. The evil eye in the cat world means the same thing it does in the human world: you are making me mad! Once you see the evil eye, it is best to back off. Cats will not forgive you until they are hungry, so you will just have to wait it out.
I Am Not A Baby
You might think it is extremely cute when you hold your cat like a baby. However, Kitten told me that cats hate this. Upside down is not their natural state, and it leaves them feeling exposed. Holding a cat like a baby increases the chance that you will receive the evil eye once you put the cat down. Oh, and Kitten said that you also run the risk of being bitten or scratched if this happens too many times.
Can You Breathe?
When a cat wants to sleep on your face, this can mean one of two things. Kit Kat, the sweetest of the three, tells me that this means that they are trying to block out light sources, so that you will get a good nights rest. Kitten, the meanest of the three, tells me that when she does this when I have made her angry, and it is her way of trying to suffocate me. You will have to take the personality of your cat into consideration when trying to decipher how this move applies to you.
We Do Not Share
You know that feeling you get when someone takes a few of your tots without asking? You may not react visually, but inside you are thinking, "Back off my tots, moron!" Cats feel the same way, and prefer to be fed separately. This especially applies when you bring out the canned food. Canned food is the equivalent of "kitty pate" in the cat world, and they do not want to share it with any other felines.
That's Not Funny
Cats do have a sense of humor, albeit a strange one. A few of the things they do not find funny include: sneaking up from behind and scaring them, allowing your baby to become a tail pulling toddler, and bringing home a puppy. However, they do get a chuckle from seeing you fall, any bad haircuts you get, and watching you attempt to dance. New Kitty says the these funny things never get old, and will always be good for a laugh.
Now that I am blessed with the ability to read kitty minds, I have learned so much about cats. I cannot tell you that I like everything I have learned. Sleeping with one eye open is not as easy as it sounds. However, by telling me their deep, dark secrets, I now have enough information to blackmail these three cats into doing basically anything I tell them to. As soon as they learn how to do dishes, clean the toilet, and wash clothes, I am certain that this will work to my advantage.
cat information,
read cat minds,
what a cat thinks
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Five Dumbest Horror Movies of All Time
I suppose there are plenty of movies in the history of horror that are more dumb than these five, however, there is only so many that I can cover in the space provided here. These five movies are some of the worst of the worst. If you have watched them, I'm sorry. If you have not, you may not want to after reading this. If nothing else, at least you will know what you are getting yourself into.

Halloween III: Season of the Witch
You will see this movie show up on almost every dumb horror movie list. Why? Because Halloween III removes Michael Myers from the movie completely! Oh, there is one scene where Michael is pictured on a television that is playing in the background at a bar, but other than that, no Michael.
I wish I could tell you what the purpose of this was, especially after having two horror blockbusters in the form of Halloween, and Halloween II. To make matters worse, the movie is not even scary. Not even a little bit.

Sleepaway Camp
When Angela Baker is forced to go to camp with her cousin, bad things start to happen. Her behavior is so erratic that it is more weird than scary. Even at the very end, when Angela shocks your by showing you her penis, that's right, I said penis, you still do not understand what her/his major malfunction was. Sleepaway Camp is one movie of this horror movies list that does have somewhat of a cult following. However, I am not a card carrying member of this cult.

Blair Witch
I admit it, I fell for all of the Blair Witch hype, and even spent time online after watching this movie trying to find information that would convince my friends and family that what we had seen was real. Can you say, sucker? Only after learning that this was a work of fiction, was I able to see this for what it was. Bad acting, or should I say, overacting, is on display throughout this film. Actually, it is a shame, because if it had been well made, it would have been toward the top of any horror movies list.

The Slumber Party Massacre
This movie is particularly frustrating because it is one that makes you scream commands at the television. "Don't go in there! Are you freaking nuts, run! Turn around already!" are just a few of the words of wisdom I tried to offer these young ladies while I watched them meet their maker one by one. There are few things as frustrating as watching people die without putting up a good fight, and Slumber Party Massacre forces you to watch this happen over and over again.

Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes
The fact that Patty Duke is in this sequel makes it hard to watch. Not that Patty Duke is not an excellent actress, she just does not fit into a horror movie very well. By the time Amityville 4 was released in 1989, the topic had been beaten to death, and it becomes painfully apparent that there were no new angles to take, and nothing of value to add to this film release. The Amityville name alone prompted people to watch, but it could not prevent them from being disappointed.
Honorable awful horror movies list mention goes to all of the Leprechaun sequels, all of the Children of the Corn sequels, as well as all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels. Few horror movie sequels, with the exception of Halloween and Friday the 13th, are able to live up to how good the original movie was. However, they do some power. That being the ability to cause horror movie fans to waste a lot of time.
You will see this movie show up on almost every dumb horror movie list. Why? Because Halloween III removes Michael Myers from the movie completely! Oh, there is one scene where Michael is pictured on a television that is playing in the background at a bar, but other than that, no Michael.
I wish I could tell you what the purpose of this was, especially after having two horror blockbusters in the form of Halloween, and Halloween II. To make matters worse, the movie is not even scary. Not even a little bit.
When Angela Baker is forced to go to camp with her cousin, bad things start to happen. Her behavior is so erratic that it is more weird than scary. Even at the very end, when Angela shocks your by showing you her penis, that's right, I said penis, you still do not understand what her/his major malfunction was. Sleepaway Camp is one movie of this horror movies list that does have somewhat of a cult following. However, I am not a card carrying member of this cult.
I admit it, I fell for all of the Blair Witch hype, and even spent time online after watching this movie trying to find information that would convince my friends and family that what we had seen was real. Can you say, sucker? Only after learning that this was a work of fiction, was I able to see this for what it was. Bad acting, or should I say, overacting, is on display throughout this film. Actually, it is a shame, because if it had been well made, it would have been toward the top of any horror movies list.
This movie is particularly frustrating because it is one that makes you scream commands at the television. "Don't go in there! Are you freaking nuts, run! Turn around already!" are just a few of the words of wisdom I tried to offer these young ladies while I watched them meet their maker one by one. There are few things as frustrating as watching people die without putting up a good fight, and Slumber Party Massacre forces you to watch this happen over and over again.
The fact that Patty Duke is in this sequel makes it hard to watch. Not that Patty Duke is not an excellent actress, she just does not fit into a horror movie very well. By the time Amityville 4 was released in 1989, the topic had been beaten to death, and it becomes painfully apparent that there were no new angles to take, and nothing of value to add to this film release. The Amityville name alone prompted people to watch, but it could not prevent them from being disappointed.
Honorable awful horror movies list mention goes to all of the Leprechaun sequels, all of the Children of the Corn sequels, as well as all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels. Few horror movie sequels, with the exception of Halloween and Friday the 13th, are able to live up to how good the original movie was. However, they do some power. That being the ability to cause horror movie fans to waste a lot of time.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Five Things to Watch in the 2011 Baseball Season
The 2011 baseball season is in full swing, and as usual, there are many story lines emerging. Some of these involve the usual suspects, while others do not. The following five things are just a few items of interest to follow for the rest of the season.
The Future of Prince Fielder
The Brewers recently made it clear what their many priority is when they signed Ryan Braun
to a five year extension deal worth one hundred and fifty million dollars. This will keep Braun with the Brewers all the way until 2020. Prince Fielder
, who were once thought of as the face of the Brewers, has been shown his place in the hierarchy. The debate lies in how he will respond to this, and if he will choose to move on to another team that will regard him as their number one.
The Cleveland Indians '" Boom or Bust
We've seen this before. A team filled with little known players gets off to a hot start, and then fizzle out over the course of the season. With a combined team yearly salary of less than what even one major star makes, the Cleveland Indians
seem to be getting a good deal for their money. For now, Grady Sizemore and Travis Hafner are leading the way, and with a supporting cast of talented rookies, it is quite possible that this is a team that could keep the fireworks going throughout the season.
Berkman Is Back
Or at least he seems to be. Now considered a veteran, at the ripe old age of 35, Lance Berkman
is putting up impressive numbers so far this season. Plenty of home runs, lots of RBI's, and a gaudy batting average have place Berkman back amount the baseball elite for the time being. The real question is if he will be able to keep it up, or wear down as the long season progresses.
The Cy Young Battle
The early season favorites are Roy Halladay
and Tim Lincecum
. Both are very different, yet both produce positive results. Lincecum draws a lot of attention, while Halladay does his thing without much hoopla. Both have impressive win stats, a high number of strikeouts, and incredibly low ERA's so far this season. One or the other has won the Cy Young Award each of the past three seasons. Stay tuned to see if another pitching star emerges and swipes the coveted award, but don't count on it.
The Future of Prince Fielder
The Brewers recently made it clear what their many priority is when they signed Ryan Braun
The Cleveland Indians '" Boom or Bust
We've seen this before. A team filled with little known players gets off to a hot start, and then fizzle out over the course of the season. With a combined team yearly salary of less than what even one major star makes, the Cleveland Indians
Berkman Is Back
Or at least he seems to be. Now considered a veteran, at the ripe old age of 35, Lance Berkman
The Cy Young Battle
The early season favorites are Roy Halladay
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
How to Make Money Writing for Associated Content
I should start this article by stating that I am in no way an expert on this topic, yet. However, I have been writing online articles for pay for two years now. Originally, I did it for extra money. Today, it is all I do. I should also state that Associated Content is not the only site that I write for. However, I am focusing more of my efforts on this site than ever before. By the end of this article, you will understand why.
What To Write
One of the best things about writing for Associated Content is that you can write about whatever you wish, within reason of course. If you want to write articles about how to build a bomb and use it to blow up the world, you will need to publish it elsewhere. Other than common sense forbidden topics, the sky is the limit.
Ideas for your articles are everywhere. The more specific, the better. For example, writing about how to train dogs is good, but how to train beagles is better. What Associated Content wants more than anything is content that is not common. I learned this the hard way. While I was paid for articles that covered broad subject matter, these articles receive very few page views. You will understand why page views are important shortly.
Submission Types
There are three ways to submit your content: Exclusive, Non-Exclusive, and Display Only.
Exclusive allows you to submit your article for upfront payment, and then receive income based on the number of times it is viewed once published. If you submit your content in the manner, you cannot republish it elsewhere. You are selling the rights to your article to Associated Content when you choose this option. Because of this, this type of submission qualifies you to receive a larger upfront payment. Your article will be reviewed within one to two weeks.
Non-exclusive submissions are still eligible for upfront payments, however, the amount will likely be smaller. This method allows you to republish your content elsewhere, and you will still be paid for how many page views it receives. This method also has a waiting period of one to two weeks before it is reviewed and can be published.
Display only articles can be published immediately, and are only eligible for payment based on the number of page views it receives. Since Associated Content offers no upfront payment for opinion, editorial, or review based work, you will want to choose this option for those type of pieces.
The Importance of Page Views
You will earn money in addition to any upfront payments in the form of performance payments. This is a dollar amount that is assigned to a specific number of page views. You will continue to earn this money for as long as your article is published on Associated Content. This is the beauty of writing for AC. The ability to earn residual income is a powerful thing.
In order to get the maximum number of page views, you should not rely solely on the major search engines indexing your article. You will have to do some promoting of your own. Occasionally, I post my articles on Facebook if I think they are relevant to my friends. In fact, this article with be posted there because I know there is interest. I also post article links that are viewed by my 11,000+ followers on Twitter.
Never spam a social network with your links. They should only be posted when appropriate. If you over-post your articles, you could lose your right to use the site, and even worse, lose friends. No one appreciates spam. I hate it, you hate it, do not do it.
What Else Should I Know?
A few things actually.
Try to keep your articles at least 400 words in length. Any shorter, and the search engines will not feel there is enough "meat" in them, and may choose to ignore them.
Use keywords. Basically, keywords are words or phrases that are repeated more than once in an article. These keywords make it easy for the search engines to find and index your articles. I am still trying to master this, and am constantly reading up their proper use.
Always list information sources. These could be pages that helped you formulate an article idea, or pages to support what you have written about. You will notice mine for this article below.
Never post affiliate links in your articles. This is not the place to promote your get rich overnight eBook. Associated Content is for providing useful and interesting information to readers. Nothing more, nothing less.
This article is just a general guide for those looking to make money on Associated Content. There are many AC authors that have written about this topic, and have certainly covered aspects that I may have left out. To learn more, search the site, and read all you can about how to make money with Associated Content.
After that, write your first article and submit it. There is no greater feeling than getting that email that notifies you that Associated Content is willing to pay you for your writing.
What To Write
One of the best things about writing for Associated Content is that you can write about whatever you wish, within reason of course. If you want to write articles about how to build a bomb and use it to blow up the world, you will need to publish it elsewhere. Other than common sense forbidden topics, the sky is the limit.
Ideas for your articles are everywhere. The more specific, the better. For example, writing about how to train dogs is good, but how to train beagles is better. What Associated Content wants more than anything is content that is not common. I learned this the hard way. While I was paid for articles that covered broad subject matter, these articles receive very few page views. You will understand why page views are important shortly.
Submission Types
There are three ways to submit your content: Exclusive, Non-Exclusive, and Display Only.
Exclusive allows you to submit your article for upfront payment, and then receive income based on the number of times it is viewed once published. If you submit your content in the manner, you cannot republish it elsewhere. You are selling the rights to your article to Associated Content when you choose this option. Because of this, this type of submission qualifies you to receive a larger upfront payment. Your article will be reviewed within one to two weeks.
Non-exclusive submissions are still eligible for upfront payments, however, the amount will likely be smaller. This method allows you to republish your content elsewhere, and you will still be paid for how many page views it receives. This method also has a waiting period of one to two weeks before it is reviewed and can be published.
Display only articles can be published immediately, and are only eligible for payment based on the number of page views it receives. Since Associated Content offers no upfront payment for opinion, editorial, or review based work, you will want to choose this option for those type of pieces.
The Importance of Page Views
You will earn money in addition to any upfront payments in the form of performance payments. This is a dollar amount that is assigned to a specific number of page views. You will continue to earn this money for as long as your article is published on Associated Content. This is the beauty of writing for AC. The ability to earn residual income is a powerful thing.
In order to get the maximum number of page views, you should not rely solely on the major search engines indexing your article. You will have to do some promoting of your own. Occasionally, I post my articles on Facebook if I think they are relevant to my friends. In fact, this article with be posted there because I know there is interest. I also post article links that are viewed by my 11,000+ followers on Twitter.
Never spam a social network with your links. They should only be posted when appropriate. If you over-post your articles, you could lose your right to use the site, and even worse, lose friends. No one appreciates spam. I hate it, you hate it, do not do it.
What Else Should I Know?
A few things actually.
Try to keep your articles at least 400 words in length. Any shorter, and the search engines will not feel there is enough "meat" in them, and may choose to ignore them.
Use keywords. Basically, keywords are words or phrases that are repeated more than once in an article. These keywords make it easy for the search engines to find and index your articles. I am still trying to master this, and am constantly reading up their proper use.
Always list information sources. These could be pages that helped you formulate an article idea, or pages to support what you have written about. You will notice mine for this article below.
Never post affiliate links in your articles. This is not the place to promote your get rich overnight eBook. Associated Content is for providing useful and interesting information to readers. Nothing more, nothing less.
This article is just a general guide for those looking to make money on Associated Content. There are many AC authors that have written about this topic, and have certainly covered aspects that I may have left out. To learn more, search the site, and read all you can about how to make money with Associated Content.
After that, write your first article and submit it. There is no greater feeling than getting that email that notifies you that Associated Content is willing to pay you for your writing.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The big difference a few floral pillows make
Guest post written by Casey Thompson
I was sick last week and out of work, so I spent a whole lot of time at home. While I was at home I noticed that my living room furniture just seemed so wintery and it really didn't fit in with this season. I guess that's not as big of a deal as wearing winter clothes during the summer months. But I was determined to find a way to brighten up my interior design's look without spending a whole lot of money.
While I was looking online to try and get those ideas, I saw the site and after I looked through it some I decided to change over our home internet service to that service. But I also found what I was looking for too because I got lots of decoration inspiration.
I saw the cutest little floral throw pillows and decided that it would be a great way to make my home look a little more summery. Now I just have to find the perfect floral fabric that will match it.
I was sick last week and out of work, so I spent a whole lot of time at home. While I was at home I noticed that my living room furniture just seemed so wintery and it really didn't fit in with this season. I guess that's not as big of a deal as wearing winter clothes during the summer months. But I was determined to find a way to brighten up my interior design's look without spending a whole lot of money.
While I was looking online to try and get those ideas, I saw the site and after I looked through it some I decided to change over our home internet service to that service. But I also found what I was looking for too because I got lots of decoration inspiration.
I saw the cutest little floral throw pillows and decided that it would be a great way to make my home look a little more summery. Now I just have to find the perfect floral fabric that will match it.
What to Do If Your Spill a Drink on Your Laptop
You may wish to believe that you will never spill a drink on your laptop, and therefore do not need to know how to handle the situation. However, the sad truth is that no matter how careful you are, if you bring liquids near your laptop, it is quite possible that something will eventually be spilled onto it. Because of this, it is best to know what to do before something happens.
First and foremost, you will have to launch yourself into immediate action. Seconds can make the difference between whether your laptop lives or dies. Your first move should be to unplug the laptop from it's power source. If you are running on battery power alone, immediately begin removing the back cover so that you can get to the battery. This will likely require a screwdriver, so hopefully you have one nearby.
Once you have removed the battery, dry it completely, and set it off to the side. Move quickly on to the next step, which is taking the memory sticks out. Most computers have two, but this varies by model. This too will likely require a screwdriver. As soon as you get these out, dry them with a paper towel, and store them in a safe place, preferably not near a power source, as static can damage them.
If you know a great deal about computers, you can remove other parts, and dry them individually. However, if you are like most, you should leave the rest of the parts alone. Pull out your hairdryer, and go to work drying these other parts. Every nook and cranny should be covered. It make take you a while, but do not stop until you are completely satisfied that all parts are completely dry.
You may be tempted to test your laptop at this point, but you really should wait at least twenty-four hours. This is because no matter how long you used the hair dryer, there is no way to be absolutely certain that everything is completely dry. This waiting period will allow time for any other moisture to evaporate. During this down time, you may wish to remove your computer keys and clean them. This may not be necessary if it was water that was spilled, but if it was anything with sugar in it, they are going to be sticky.
The moment of truth comes the next day. Carefully reassemble the parts you removed, and give it a go. If it works, consider yourself extremely lucky, and never put liquids near your laptop again. If not, well, it is time for a new laptop.
First and foremost, you will have to launch yourself into immediate action. Seconds can make the difference between whether your laptop lives or dies. Your first move should be to unplug the laptop from it's power source. If you are running on battery power alone, immediately begin removing the back cover so that you can get to the battery. This will likely require a screwdriver, so hopefully you have one nearby.
Once you have removed the battery, dry it completely, and set it off to the side. Move quickly on to the next step, which is taking the memory sticks out. Most computers have two, but this varies by model. This too will likely require a screwdriver. As soon as you get these out, dry them with a paper towel, and store them in a safe place, preferably not near a power source, as static can damage them.
If you know a great deal about computers, you can remove other parts, and dry them individually. However, if you are like most, you should leave the rest of the parts alone. Pull out your hairdryer, and go to work drying these other parts. Every nook and cranny should be covered. It make take you a while, but do not stop until you are completely satisfied that all parts are completely dry.
You may be tempted to test your laptop at this point, but you really should wait at least twenty-four hours. This is because no matter how long you used the hair dryer, there is no way to be absolutely certain that everything is completely dry. This waiting period will allow time for any other moisture to evaporate. During this down time, you may wish to remove your computer keys and clean them. This may not be necessary if it was water that was spilled, but if it was anything with sugar in it, they are going to be sticky.
The moment of truth comes the next day. Carefully reassemble the parts you removed, and give it a go. If it works, consider yourself extremely lucky, and never put liquids near your laptop again. If not, well, it is time for a new laptop.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
How to Effectively Negotiate Your Hotel Rate
I'm going to tell you a secret that I learned during my first day of working the front desk at Best Western. Hotel rates are negotiable. I don't mean a little negotiable. I mean a lot negotiable. Before ending my hotel career, I worked at five completely different hotel chains. Best Western, Country Inns and Suites, Hyatt Place, AmeriSuites, and LaQuinta. All five had negotiable rates.
Let me explain how this works. Front desk agents are trained to not let people leave the hotel. When a patron enters, and asks how much a room costs, the first price you will receive is the rack rate. This is the top rate charged for staying. If a potential customer balks at this price, the front agent will drop the rate by ten dollars. Usually this is enough to sell the room. However, if the potential customer still balks, the rate is lowered again. This can be done all the way until the front desk agent has reached the bottom line price that they are allowed to sell the room at. In some of the places I worked, this bottom line price was a much as $50 cheaper than the rack rate. Huge difference.
The reason that hotels allow this type of negotiation is because something is better than nothing. Empty rooms bring $0 revenue. Putting people in these rooms is what it is all about. Keep in mind, however, that if a convention, or other event is going on in town, this type of negotiation may not be possible. During these times, hotels know full well that they can get the full asking price for a room.
This method also does not always work well over the phone. If you want to try it via the phone, you will need to call the hotel directly, and not the 800 number. Once you reach the front desk agent, simply ask for the best rate. You may even want to tell them that you are aware that rates are negotiable. Do this in as nice a way as possible, as they are not under any obligation to give you anything other than the rack rate.
I was constantly amazed at how many people did not know that the room price was negotiable. At Best Western, we were given a $3 bonus for each person that we checked in at full price. I made quite a lot of money off that deal, as a result of this lack of knowledge. Sure, I felt a tad guilty, but at the time I was a single mother of two, and money was tight.
One last tip is to be nice. If you have a bad attitude, you will never get a low price. It is entirely up to the front desk agent who to, and not to give discounts to. If you act like a jerk, you will not be offered any discount whatsoever. The typical front desk agent job is hard, as they are blamed for everything that goes wrong, whether it was their fault or not. When you are nice, and treat them with respect, they will do everything in their power to make sure you get a great deal, and have a great stay.
Additional reading:
You Can Negotiate Anything
How to Negotiate - Everything You Need to Know about Negotiating! - Get What You Want Today...
Negotiate Anything!: Secrets to make businesses treat you fairly.
Let me explain how this works. Front desk agents are trained to not let people leave the hotel. When a patron enters, and asks how much a room costs, the first price you will receive is the rack rate. This is the top rate charged for staying. If a potential customer balks at this price, the front agent will drop the rate by ten dollars. Usually this is enough to sell the room. However, if the potential customer still balks, the rate is lowered again. This can be done all the way until the front desk agent has reached the bottom line price that they are allowed to sell the room at. In some of the places I worked, this bottom line price was a much as $50 cheaper than the rack rate. Huge difference.
The reason that hotels allow this type of negotiation is because something is better than nothing. Empty rooms bring $0 revenue. Putting people in these rooms is what it is all about. Keep in mind, however, that if a convention, or other event is going on in town, this type of negotiation may not be possible. During these times, hotels know full well that they can get the full asking price for a room.
This method also does not always work well over the phone. If you want to try it via the phone, you will need to call the hotel directly, and not the 800 number. Once you reach the front desk agent, simply ask for the best rate. You may even want to tell them that you are aware that rates are negotiable. Do this in as nice a way as possible, as they are not under any obligation to give you anything other than the rack rate.
I was constantly amazed at how many people did not know that the room price was negotiable. At Best Western, we were given a $3 bonus for each person that we checked in at full price. I made quite a lot of money off that deal, as a result of this lack of knowledge. Sure, I felt a tad guilty, but at the time I was a single mother of two, and money was tight.
One last tip is to be nice. If you have a bad attitude, you will never get a low price. It is entirely up to the front desk agent who to, and not to give discounts to. If you act like a jerk, you will not be offered any discount whatsoever. The typical front desk agent job is hard, as they are blamed for everything that goes wrong, whether it was their fault or not. When you are nice, and treat them with respect, they will do everything in their power to make sure you get a great deal, and have a great stay.
Additional reading:
You Can Negotiate Anything
How to Negotiate - Everything You Need to Know about Negotiating! - Get What You Want Today...
Negotiate Anything!: Secrets to make businesses treat you fairly.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Economical Beach Vacation: How to Save Money While Traveling
Many families choose the beach as their destination of choice each summer. There are several ways that you can make this trip more affordable, without missing out on any of the fun. An economical beach vacation allows everyone to have a good time, while coming home with some money still leftover.
Planning an economical beach vacation starts with the search for where you will be staying. You already know that you will need to search for the best rates, but in addition to that, you should be searching for a location that has a kitchen. Eating out is one of the largest expenses incurred while on vacation. Having the ability to make your own meals and snacks will save you tons of money.
You should purchase the food and snacks you will be eating in advance. Grocery prices tend to be higher in tourist areas. You will not be subject to paying these higher prices if you shop ahead. There are a few things, however, that you may want to wait to purchase until you arrive. This would be things such as suntan oil, sunscreen, and water toys and floats. The competition amongst the stores near the beach is intense, and this drives down the prices of such items.
Since eating out is part of the fun of going on vacation, you do not want to miss out on trying the local cuisine. In order to do this, and still save money, consider visiting these places during lunch, instead of dinner. The difference between lunch prices and dinner prices is vast. You will get the same quality food, and the same choices, just at a much cheaper price. If you will be staying for a week, and will have your children with you, this tip alone could save you a few hundred dollars.
Search for discounts to the attractions and activities you want to do and see. Most brochures contain coupons that you can use to save money. These should be available throughout the area in local supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels and more. Check for expiration dates, since some of these brochures may have been hanging around for a while. You do not want any unexpected surprises when you go to pay.
No economical beach vacation would be complete without souvenirs. Look for special promotions, and items that are on clearance. T-shirts, which are a popular choice, are often offered at a discount if a certain number are purchased. Deals such as this will allow you to get the most for your money.
Having the time of your life, while not breaking the bank is what it is all about. An economical beach vacation is not only possible, but easy to obtain. A little planning, sprinkled with some strategies, are all that is required.
Additional reading:
Discount Travel Handbook: Save Money on Every Vacation or Business Trip You Take
How to Save $$$ Money and Travel
Planning an economical beach vacation starts with the search for where you will be staying. You already know that you will need to search for the best rates, but in addition to that, you should be searching for a location that has a kitchen. Eating out is one of the largest expenses incurred while on vacation. Having the ability to make your own meals and snacks will save you tons of money.
You should purchase the food and snacks you will be eating in advance. Grocery prices tend to be higher in tourist areas. You will not be subject to paying these higher prices if you shop ahead. There are a few things, however, that you may want to wait to purchase until you arrive. This would be things such as suntan oil, sunscreen, and water toys and floats. The competition amongst the stores near the beach is intense, and this drives down the prices of such items.
Since eating out is part of the fun of going on vacation, you do not want to miss out on trying the local cuisine. In order to do this, and still save money, consider visiting these places during lunch, instead of dinner. The difference between lunch prices and dinner prices is vast. You will get the same quality food, and the same choices, just at a much cheaper price. If you will be staying for a week, and will have your children with you, this tip alone could save you a few hundred dollars.
Search for discounts to the attractions and activities you want to do and see. Most brochures contain coupons that you can use to save money. These should be available throughout the area in local supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels and more. Check for expiration dates, since some of these brochures may have been hanging around for a while. You do not want any unexpected surprises when you go to pay.
No economical beach vacation would be complete without souvenirs. Look for special promotions, and items that are on clearance. T-shirts, which are a popular choice, are often offered at a discount if a certain number are purchased. Deals such as this will allow you to get the most for your money.
Having the time of your life, while not breaking the bank is what it is all about. An economical beach vacation is not only possible, but easy to obtain. A little planning, sprinkled with some strategies, are all that is required.
Additional reading:
Discount Travel Handbook: Save Money on Every Vacation or Business Trip You Take
How to Save $$$ Money and Travel
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
When Should I Quit My Job?
If you are one of those that daily dream of quitting your job, there are some things you should know. The following are some basic guidelines that will help you determine when it is time to call it quits.
Your mental state is a powerful indicator. If you wake up miserable, and filled with dread over having to go to work, it is time to make a change. It is understandable that you may be scared of change, but life it too short to feel this way each day. It is possible that your job has caused you to become depressed, and depression is no joke. It takes a toll on you not just mentally, but physically as well.
If you want to work from home, evaluate your situation before you make a move. It will only cause you more stress if you quit your job before you have an alternate way to support yourself. Since you likely already have a business, or service in mind, crunch the numbers. There is not way to know to the penny what you will make when you are self-employed, because you have not previously had the option to full pursue it, but you can get a general estimate. Err on the lesser side when you work these figures, and take all possibilities into account. If after all of this, your idea seems feasible, it is time to quit your job.
If you plan to find another job, start looking well before you quit. This is the route most people take. However, if you are miserable beyond belief, and just do not think you can stand another minute, you can take a leap of faith. Of course, this leap of faith will be much easier if you have some savings to fall back on. Planning ahead is best, but there are times in life where you may be forced to take a stand.
If you quit your job on a whim, and do not have a backup plan, do not panic. You may feel thrilled and empowered at first, but following this, panic sets in. Panicking will get you nowhere. Simply launch yourself into action immediately. Whether this is getting started on your own business, or seeking other employment, do something.
You should never stay at a job that you are miserable at. You are only given a certain amount of time on this earth, and this time should be spent being as happy as possible. Since work takes up the bulk of our lives, it is extremely important that you do not settle for just a paycheck. It may take time, and it may take guts, but you can make it happen. Quitting my job is the best thing I have ever done. Removing that dark cloud has made an incredibly positive impact on my life. It can for you as well.
Additional reading:
Honey I Quit My Job
Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business
Your mental state is a powerful indicator. If you wake up miserable, and filled with dread over having to go to work, it is time to make a change. It is understandable that you may be scared of change, but life it too short to feel this way each day. It is possible that your job has caused you to become depressed, and depression is no joke. It takes a toll on you not just mentally, but physically as well.
If you want to work from home, evaluate your situation before you make a move. It will only cause you more stress if you quit your job before you have an alternate way to support yourself. Since you likely already have a business, or service in mind, crunch the numbers. There is not way to know to the penny what you will make when you are self-employed, because you have not previously had the option to full pursue it, but you can get a general estimate. Err on the lesser side when you work these figures, and take all possibilities into account. If after all of this, your idea seems feasible, it is time to quit your job.
If you plan to find another job, start looking well before you quit. This is the route most people take. However, if you are miserable beyond belief, and just do not think you can stand another minute, you can take a leap of faith. Of course, this leap of faith will be much easier if you have some savings to fall back on. Planning ahead is best, but there are times in life where you may be forced to take a stand.
If you quit your job on a whim, and do not have a backup plan, do not panic. You may feel thrilled and empowered at first, but following this, panic sets in. Panicking will get you nowhere. Simply launch yourself into action immediately. Whether this is getting started on your own business, or seeking other employment, do something.
You should never stay at a job that you are miserable at. You are only given a certain amount of time on this earth, and this time should be spent being as happy as possible. Since work takes up the bulk of our lives, it is extremely important that you do not settle for just a paycheck. It may take time, and it may take guts, but you can make it happen. Quitting my job is the best thing I have ever done. Removing that dark cloud has made an incredibly positive impact on my life. It can for you as well.
Additional reading:
Honey I Quit My Job
Rich Dad's Before You Quit Your Job: 10 Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business
get a new job,
quit my job,
when to quit job
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Avoid Common Work from Home Mistakes
Having the ability to work from home is a dream come true for many. However, this dream can quickly turn into a nightmare if you fall prey to common mistakes. Knowing what to avoid at all costs it key, and the following tips will teach you just that.
When you first start working from home you will likely be tempted to work extremely long hours. What this results in is a fast and furious burnout. You may very well need to work longer hours than you would at a standard job in order to make ends meet, but you should schedule at least some down time, and take frequent breaks.
Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Children, pets, television, the telephone ringing, and more can cause you to be less productive. If you have to, shut yourself in a room, or your office until your work is done. Turn off the television and phone, and get to business. This leads me to my next tip.
Always have a dedicated place in which to do your work. This will help you be more in the mindset that when you enter this space, it is time to get things done. You may want to make this space off limits to your children, and even your spouse.
Set reasonable goals for yourself each day, and do not stop your work for the day until they are accomplished. Not having goals is a recipe for disaster, and is the breeding ground for excuses. In many ways, working from home is harder than working a standard job. When you work a standard job, you are informed of what is expected of you each day. When you work from home, what is expected of you is entirely up to you.
Track your earnings and losses as accurately as possible. When tax time comes around, you will be glad you did. You do not want to miss out on deductions and possible credits because you lost, or threw away a receipt. Keep all of your paper receipts in one place, and keep all of of the receipts you receive via email in a specific folder.
Many people are amazed at how much joy can come from working from home. These are the same people that make sure they follow work from home guidelines that ensure success. If you want to be a success, you have to learn the strategies that work, and implement them in your daily life.
Additional reading:
The Work-at-Home Success Bible: A Complete Guide for Women: Start Your Own Business; Balance Work and Home Life; Develop Telecommuting Strategies
Work From Home Jobs Directory
When you first start working from home you will likely be tempted to work extremely long hours. What this results in is a fast and furious burnout. You may very well need to work longer hours than you would at a standard job in order to make ends meet, but you should schedule at least some down time, and take frequent breaks.
Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Children, pets, television, the telephone ringing, and more can cause you to be less productive. If you have to, shut yourself in a room, or your office until your work is done. Turn off the television and phone, and get to business. This leads me to my next tip.
Always have a dedicated place in which to do your work. This will help you be more in the mindset that when you enter this space, it is time to get things done. You may want to make this space off limits to your children, and even your spouse.
Set reasonable goals for yourself each day, and do not stop your work for the day until they are accomplished. Not having goals is a recipe for disaster, and is the breeding ground for excuses. In many ways, working from home is harder than working a standard job. When you work a standard job, you are informed of what is expected of you each day. When you work from home, what is expected of you is entirely up to you.
Track your earnings and losses as accurately as possible. When tax time comes around, you will be glad you did. You do not want to miss out on deductions and possible credits because you lost, or threw away a receipt. Keep all of your paper receipts in one place, and keep all of of the receipts you receive via email in a specific folder.
Many people are amazed at how much joy can come from working from home. These are the same people that make sure they follow work from home guidelines that ensure success. If you want to be a success, you have to learn the strategies that work, and implement them in your daily life.
Additional reading:
The Work-at-Home Success Bible: A Complete Guide for Women: Start Your Own Business; Balance Work and Home Life; Develop Telecommuting Strategies
Work From Home Jobs Directory
Friday, July 1, 2011
Working from Home: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
When I quit my job several months ago, I was absolutely terrified. However, I felt that it had to be done. I had been through many different types of jobs, and was always miserable. It seems that some people just are not meant to work for others, and I had realized that I was one of these people.
Before I quit, I formulated what I thought was a sound plan. I would become an internet content writer. I had already been writing to earn extra spending money, but was certain that if I went full time with it, I would be able to replace my paycheck.
Have I been able to do this every week? No, not every week. However, the more I learn, the more I earn, and many weeks I do reach my goal. Part of the learning curve involves the proper way to work from home. The following is information that I have learned through trial and error may be able to help you reduce your own learning curve.
The Good
The good is pretty obvious. You do not work for someone else. Every dollar you make is for your own benefit, not the benefit of others. You can wear whatever you want, and work at whatever hours you choose. I prefer to work during the day, because I enjoy watching television at night, but if you are a night owl, go for it.
The Bad
You have to set goals, or you will fall prey to slacking off. At first I did not do this, and because of the fact, I was able to easily convince myself that I had done enough for the day, and was free to pursue other interests. When my bank account started to look ugly, I knew I had better set some goals, and fast. As a general rule, I must make $70 a day, seven days a week, in order to replace my paycheck. This amount is not always possible, as there are other things I have to do, and I do like an occasional off day. If I take a day off, or have a bad day, I force myself to make up for it on the other days. By setting goals that must be achieved, you will not fall behind.
The Ugly
Distractions are an ugly beast. Being the parent of two teenagers mean that they are plentiful. The constant drama, friends coming over, and the need to talk to Mom, are just a few examples. I quickly discovered that this must be eliminated. I sat them both down and explained to them that they must treat my working time in the same way it was when I had a day job. Basically, I told them to pretend I am not here. Has it worked? Not totally, but they are learning. Your distractions may be different, but the general message here it to eliminate as many of them as you possibly can.
The following are great additional reading on this topic...
Work at Home Now: The No-nonsense Guide to Finding Your Perfect Home-based Job, Avoiding Scams, and Making a Great Living
25 Ways to Make Money Online: Your Complete Guide to Legitimate Online Jobs and Opportunities That Allow You to Work From Home And Earn A Paycheck
Before I quit, I formulated what I thought was a sound plan. I would become an internet content writer. I had already been writing to earn extra spending money, but was certain that if I went full time with it, I would be able to replace my paycheck.
Have I been able to do this every week? No, not every week. However, the more I learn, the more I earn, and many weeks I do reach my goal. Part of the learning curve involves the proper way to work from home. The following is information that I have learned through trial and error may be able to help you reduce your own learning curve.
The Good
The good is pretty obvious. You do not work for someone else. Every dollar you make is for your own benefit, not the benefit of others. You can wear whatever you want, and work at whatever hours you choose. I prefer to work during the day, because I enjoy watching television at night, but if you are a night owl, go for it.
The Bad
You have to set goals, or you will fall prey to slacking off. At first I did not do this, and because of the fact, I was able to easily convince myself that I had done enough for the day, and was free to pursue other interests. When my bank account started to look ugly, I knew I had better set some goals, and fast. As a general rule, I must make $70 a day, seven days a week, in order to replace my paycheck. This amount is not always possible, as there are other things I have to do, and I do like an occasional off day. If I take a day off, or have a bad day, I force myself to make up for it on the other days. By setting goals that must be achieved, you will not fall behind.
The Ugly
Distractions are an ugly beast. Being the parent of two teenagers mean that they are plentiful. The constant drama, friends coming over, and the need to talk to Mom, are just a few examples. I quickly discovered that this must be eliminated. I sat them both down and explained to them that they must treat my working time in the same way it was when I had a day job. Basically, I told them to pretend I am not here. Has it worked? Not totally, but they are learning. Your distractions may be different, but the general message here it to eliminate as many of them as you possibly can.
The following are great additional reading on this topic...
Work at Home Now: The No-nonsense Guide to Finding Your Perfect Home-based Job, Avoiding Scams, and Making a Great Living
25 Ways to Make Money Online: Your Complete Guide to Legitimate Online Jobs and Opportunities That Allow You to Work From Home And Earn A Paycheck
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