After watching the comments posted to the
Ghost Hunters
on SyFy Facebook page for the past few months, I thought it was time to address what has become a common complaint:
Ghost Hunters
has become predictable and boring.
Apparently not everyone agrees with this, as
Ghost Hunters
on SyFy was just picked up for an 8
th season, and averaged a million viewers each Wednesday night during this past season. It's clear that people are watching, but are they liking what they see? Based on some of the Facebook comments, no.
Some posters claimed that "
Ghost Adventures
" was now their favorite show, because of how exciting it is, and how much evidence is captured. But is it real? If ghosts were that active, and that easy to capture with recording devices, would we still be looking for proof? If
Ghost Adventures
was so credible, could we not just call this whole case solved, and move on to proving that aliens exist?
I am skeptical of any paranormal show that catches amazing evidence each and every time.
Ghost Hunters
on SyFy has stayed true to it's roots. A few of the cast members have changed, and they have experimented with new equipment, but the methods and belief system have remained in tact.
If Jason and Grant were to suddenly start capturing images of full body apparitions in every nook and cranny, I would know that they had buckled under the pressure, and sold out for the sake of ratings. I do expect for my jaw to occasionally drop, and my heart to race, during some of the episodes, and it does. To me, objects moving, or a particularly clear EVP are enough to make this happen, because I believe that this type of evidence is believable, and therefore impressive.
I will be watching
Ghost Hunters
until it is canceled. I do believe that slowly but surely, people will begin to jump ship. Hopefully that will not be for several more years. For seven years
Ghost Hunters
on SyFy has given me a reason to look forward to Wednesday night. Hopefully I will be able to continue this for a while longer.
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