If you are interested in what a real expert (not little old me) has to say, check this out: Extreme Couponing 101 Strategies and Resources
Speaking of extremes, I am extremely happy that the new season of Ghost Hunters starts tonight, followed by the premiere of Haunted Collector. If that weren't enough to send me blasting off into orbit, Ghost Hunters was just picked up for an eight season.
I personally think the show is awesome, but I am not alone. Last season and average of ONE MILLION people tuned in to watch the show each Wednesday night. I knew the show was popular, but had no idea it was quite that popular.
All of this ghost talk prompted me to write this article: Guide To Conducting A Successful Ghost Hunt. The number of times that this article has been viewed does not even sniff the armpits of the coupon article. I guess saving money is way more important than hunting ghosts.
I, for one, happen to think that both are quite fun in their own right.
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