Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shop Til You Drop

We spent half the day yesterday school clothes shopping. The girl child picked out some cute stuff, and Mrs. Leslie and I bought a few things as well. I didn't want to buy too much for any of us, as we are all trying to shed some pounds, but we all needed stuff so...

Amazon has some cute stuff this year if you are in need of ideas: Search for school clothes

Today I am catching up on my home business work. So much has been going on lately that it has been neglected. I count on that extra income now, so I really need to make the time to stay on top of it.

I helped my son out with a car loan this week. He chose a 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII. I had never even heard of this car, so I wasn't sure what to make of it, but his father checked it out, and my son really wanted it, so in the driveway it sits.

This is not his car, but this is what the model looks like:

It reminds me of a Ford Thunderbird, and probably will be a gas hog, but as long as it runs (his last car was a money pit) it's ok in my book.

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