Friday, April 22, 2011


I have two things that I do each day now that I work from home. The first is to complete the work I have assigned myself that day, the second is to search for new ways to make even more money.

One of the best discoveries of recent days is a site called PeopleStox. The premise is simple, you know how to do things that other people may not, and you can offer these services to others at a price of your choosing. Of course there are limits as to what you can offer, but so long as it is not illegal or highly immoral, you can list it.

The listing process is easy. I put up just a few listings, and made four sales within the first week. Each job took me only a few minutes, so it was little work, big profit.

The site operates by taking a small cut out of the cost of your job. The cost is very reasonable considering it is free to use the site, and free to post your offerings.

If you have skills and could use some extra cash, check out PeopleStox.

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