Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Onpage SEO Factors Matter The Most

There are things you can do besides just getting more links that will help your website rank higher in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The things you can do on the site itself or on a page itself are referred to as on-page search engine optimization. I wrote this article to share a few things that you can do to help bump your ranking a little higher.

The most important thing to pay attention to is your page title. If your page title does not contain the words that you are trying to rank for then it is very unlikely, except in really low competition situations, that you are going to have that page ranking on page one in the search results on any of the major search engines. All three of them put a lot of emphasis on the words in the title for the page. That really helps them determine what subjects that page is actually relevant for. And, as we all know, they are trying to find the most relevant page they possibly can.

The second most important thing you can do is to make sure that the phrase you want to rank for appears at least once in the main body of the page. Make sure the words are exactly in the right order. If they are out of order, it will make your page less relevant. If you can include this exact phrase two or three times on your page without making it look weird, then you would be smart to do that. Don’t overdo it though. If the phrase appears more than three times, it starts to look like you are keyword stuffing.

The third thing you should do is to make sure your topic is covered thoroughly. That means your pages should have lots of text on them. This is especially true if the topic of your page requires an explanation of how to do something or how something works. The more thorough you are covering your material, the easier it will be to rank. Higher word count pages are a sign of higher quality so long as all the material is relevant to the page title.

The fourth thing you should do on your site itself is to make sure the navigational links from one page to another one use relevant anchor text wherever possible. Instead of having a link say “page two” in the anchor text, you should try using a short phrase that is more relevant to what the topic of the page is about. Search engines assume you are going to use relevant links within your own website and they reward you for doing so.

There are plenty of details that go into producing great search engine optimization for any given page on your website. The list I provided here is by no means a completely comprehensive list. There are other factors that can help you rank better. The truth of the matter is that certain things matter more than others. The ideas I shared in this article are very important for all three of the major search engines. If you are trying to get a certain page ranked really well on your website, then take a look at what I have said here. Then look over your site and especially that particular page to see if there is anything you can tweak a little bit.

If you would like to see how these on-page seo protocols could be applied to a specific website, then follow that link that I linked out to in the first paragraph. You will see a current example of how it is done and how well it works. Then maybe you can get your site to bump up another position or two.

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