Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Something Funny

Nancy bolted out the door again this a.m. when we left for work. I will no longer feel sorry for her if the neighborhood male kitty sex offender gets her. Period.

Out of boredom, and needing a laugh, I googled "something funny" and selected images.


Thanks for letting me know, but what the hell was it???

Good Lord! How did this get listed under "something funny"???????????

BTW...this image is titled goiter.

A quick search to find out what the hell a goiter is turned up this: "A goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is not cancer."

Well, thank God for that, but I still think he might want to see a doctor.

Mildly funny, but mostly scary.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't google "something funny" ever again.

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