Monday, July 25, 2011

Funny Facebook Mistakes: The Best of the Worst

Funny Facebook mistakes take place each and every day. Whether you have ten friends, or ten thousand, hilarity ensues when you allow just anyone to use social media as an outlet. The following are a few of the funny Facebook personality types and some of the posting mistakes they make.

I Hate My Job
You likely have at least one "I hate my job" friends on your list. While you might get tired of their constant groaning about how their job makes their life miserable, you will want to follow these posts for the funny Facebook mistake of adding their co-workers or boss. When this person makes the mistake of telling what a dirt bag their boss is on their status, and their boss reads it, the response is sure to be hilarious.

I Cannot Spell
Some days I find this funny Facebook mistake is good for a few laughs, other times it scares me to death. The sheer number of people on Facebook that cannot spell even common words is terrifying. However, some of these misspellings turn into fun when what should have been a simple word turns into something naughty. Sometimes these are really just Freudian slips, or auto-correct induced errors, but when "pens" gets posted as "penis" it is pretty darn funny.

I Was Hacked!
Most hackings are done by friends and family members. Those with a great sense of humor make the best hackers, as the statuses they post are usually quite funny. I have yet to hack either of my teenagers Facebook, but rest assured that when I do, "I enjoy eating boogers!" is totally going up on their wall. Even funnier are the people that get angry once they have been hacked. Their irate responses are almost as funny as the hack post itself.

My Life Is Better Than Yours
Oh, you know you have at least one of these people as your friend. These are the men and women who post on a daily basis about how wonderful and perfect their lives are. While these posts certainly do not fall into the funny Facebook posts category, the result of this type of posting does. Eventually this type of posting will cause someone that they annoy to completely crack. When this happens, the rant that ensues is nothing short of hilarious.

Funny Facebook mistakes are all around us. While I do enjoy seeing what my friends and family are up to, it is the humor factor that keeps me coming back each day. Not every day do I receive the side-splitting laughter I so enjoy, but I do manage to get at least a chuckle every time I log on, and for that I say, "Thanks Facebook!"

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